Тест на времена глагола в английском языке по фильмам

Насколько хорошо вы знаете времена глагола в английском языке? Ниже приведены цитаты из фильмов Margin call, Steve Jobs и The social network. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму. Каждое время глагола используйте один раз (кроме Future Perfect Continuous — в этих фильмах его не используют). В конце теста есть ответы.



Last year, Apple (lose) one billion dollars.


— What was the reason you gave?

— You mean...

— What was the reason you gave Chrisann why Lisa should see a therapist?

— I don't remember. We (talk) and I said...


— Well, we're a little pressed for time, so...

— I (leave) you guys alone.


— If you get on that plane, you (lose) your job by the time it lands.

MARGIN CALL (about the financial crisis of 2007–2008)


— Look, I (run) risk management. I don't really see, how that's a natural place to start cutting jobs.

— We hope you understand that this is in no way personal. The majority of this floor is being let go today.


— The real question is... Who are we selling this to?

— The same people we (sell) to for the last two years, and whoever else will buy it.


— Apparently Eric (work) on this for some time but was unable to finish it. This morning, when he left the building, he handed the program to Peter here, and asked him to take a look at it.


— ...you guys ever (be) through this before?


— I think you need to get back here.

— It's 11 o'clock at night!

— I'm well aware of the fucking time! Sam, I (tell) you. You need to see this.


— …by lunch-time words are gonna be out and by two o'clock you (get) 65 cents on the dollar, if you're lucky.



As of yesterday evening, Zuckerberg said, over 650 students (register) to use thefacebook.com.

  1. Apple lost — Past Simple
  2. We were talking — Past Continuous
  3. I’ll leave — Future Simple
  4. You’ll have lost — Future Perfect
  5. I run — Present Simple
  6. We’ve been selling — Present Perfect Continuous
  7. Eric had been working — Past Perfect Continuous
  8. Have you guys ever been — Present Perfect
  9. I’m telling — Present Continuous
  10. You’ll be getting — Future Continuous
  11. 650 students had registered — Past Perfect
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